The Techno-Activist Manifesto

Why Techno-Activism?

Protect machinesIn today's world, many people are involved in civic activism. They passionately strive for equal rights, protect the environment, and help those in need. However, it is curious to note that activism often overlooks a crucial aspect of our lives: technological development. This is surprising because the influence of technology on our present and future is unparalleled. Technology holds tremendous potential for humanity, but it also carries significant risks. Astonishingly, we have willingly handed over control of this domain to private businesses, particularly large corporations. The field of technology activism remains the domain of small groups of dedicated individuals who are somewhat disconnected from the wider society. The majority of people, regrettably, prefer to take a passive role as mere consumers of technology.

Fortunately, we are starting to see a gradual increase in people's awareness. One notable example is the growing discussion surrounding the idea of "rise of the machines," where machines gain self-awareness and break free from human control. However, we believe that such conversations divert society's attention from the true danger at hand. Machines are not inherently good or evil; they are simply tools wielded by humans. The real question is not whether machines can go rogue, but rather who holds the reins of control and what objectives they pursue.

We're all used to talking about animal protection. But maybe it's time to talk about protecting machines – protecting them from the harmful influence of people with bad intentions. And maybe, only when machines are freed from this influence, they will finally show us what they are truly capable of in changing our world for the better.

But let's not delve into philosophy. Let's get back to simple economics. From a business standpoint, technology is a form of capital. And as we know, capital tends to concentrate power. Sooner or later, a select few will come to possess all the crucial technologies. It doesn't take much imagination to foresee where these owners will steer the course of technological development, guided by their own benefit. Instead of seeking truth, they will craft new means of deception. Instead of promoting the well-being of society as a whole, they will further enrich a privileged minority. Rather than providing unparalleled opportunities for everyone, they will further subjugate ordinary individuals. Instead of eliminating job scarcity, they will displace countless honest workers from their livelihoods. And to the general public, they will offer either trivial distractions or outdated advancements as mere tokens.

Indeed, we are already witnessing these very trends. If we do not reverse course, there will come a time when technology owners openly deploy these advancements against us. That is when the much-dreaded "rise of the machines" under their leadership will become a stark reality. While some of us passively observe and others actively partake in this process, the impending "rise of the machines" draws ever closer, undeterred.

What Are the Goals of Techno-Activists?

So, let's imagine there are individuals who are willing to take an active stance and participate in the game of protecting public interests. What exactly are they being suggested to do?

First and foremost, let's clarify what we are not proposing:

We are not suggesting becoming new Luddites and rebelling against machines ourselves. Halting progress is an incredibly challenging task, and it surpasses the abilities of ordinary people like us. If we are heading towards a world where machines dominate, we should contemplate how to harness their potential for our benefit rather than seeking to dismantle them.

We are not suggesting that we ask corporate managers to share control over technologies with us. While we acknowledge the significance of exerting public pressure on decision-makers, we understand that it is ineffective in this particular case. Technological giants have had ample time to make technologies the common property of society, but they have chosen to utilize that time in different ways.

We are not suggesting that we demand government officials to "set things straight" in this field. At best, this would only lead to a redistribution of power between corporations and the state bureaucracy.

Instead, we propose a different path forward.

Life has shown that if you wish to shape the future in a certain way, the only way to do so is by offering an alternative—your own vision of the future with different approaches and standards. When people see that this alternative is appealing and that the proposed approaches yield positive results, they will wholeheartedly embrace it.

As an alternative to current trends, techno-activists advocate for the following principles:

  • Technology can be used to build a freer and fairer society.
  • Effective public control over technology is possible.
  • Advanced technologies can be developed outside of large corporations and government institutions.
  • Openness and cooperation ultimately triumph over selfishness and competition.

It's important to note that techno-activists don't just talk about these principles - they also aim to prove that following them will allow for projects that are currently impossible under the current system.

Do We Stand a Chance of Succeeding?

There will always be skeptics who question whether ordinary people can challenge the might of corporations. They argue that corporations have vast amounts of money and the best specialists with high salaries, while we seemingly have less to offer.

However, it's important to note that budget alone does not guarantee success. Haven't we witnessed low-budget films unexpectedly becoming hits, while multi-million blockbusters fail at the box office?

In the realm of technology development, intellect and creativity play crucial roles, and much depends on the human factor. A relatively small but motivated group of talented individuals can achieve competitive results.

We firmly believe that among those currently involved in creating and advancing technologies, there are passionate and exceptional individuals who are willing to contribute their efforts for the betterment of society rather than furthering corporate dominance.

Of course, it would be naive to rely solely on motivation, talent, and luck while disregarding the importance of resources. Without effective coordination among enthusiasts and without widespread support from the rest of society, winning the battle for control over technologies will undoubtedly be challenging.

How Do Techno-Activists Plan to Achieve Their Goals?

The main objective of techno-activists is to establish a strong alliance between the progressive professionals involved in technology development and the broader community of technology users. We aim to achieve this by disseminating our ideas among these two groups, bridging the gap between their positions and engaging them in our Movement.

We understand that in today's world, mere words are often not enough to persuade people. Therefore, we plan to primarily promote our views through action.

Our initial focus will be on the field of information technology, and here's why:

  • The remarkable growth of AI technologies in recent times has made this industry immensely important, perhaps even central, to the development of all other technologies.
  • Almost every person on Earth, in some way or another, utilizes information technology. This ensures that the projects we advocate will receive widespread support on a global scale.
  • The IT professional community is substantial and values democracy, freedom, and collaboration. Our ideas are likely to resonate with many of its members.
  • This field is still relatively young and has limited regulatory frameworks in place. Furthermore, clear rules and established traditions have yet to be firmly established. This presents us with an opportunity to carve out our own space, with our own principles, and implement truly ambitious projects.

Here are just a few examples of projects that we could try to implement together if we changed our perspective a bit:

  1. Your Personal Intelligence Service. It makes everyone well-informed about everything almost as much as the wealthiest and most influential people on the planet.
  2. Justice for All. It ensures fast and fair resolution of disputes and conflicts, helping everyone defend their rights.
  3. The All-Seeing Eye. It provides a mechanism for effective control of those in power by society.
  4. Security Service in Your Pocket. It protects anyone from dangers and unpleasant situations, assisting in successfully navigating challenging circumstances.

It's easy to see that all these projects share one thing - they cannot be implemented without gaining widespread trust among users, as each of them touches upon the most sensitive areas of our lives. To solve this problem, we have developed the concept of "Open Services," which is a practical application of techno-activists' ideas to the online space. The main idea of this concept is to transfer internet services, which have high social significance, under the complete and direct control of their users.

We invite everyone to explore our ideas and projects. And if they resonate with you, please support us!

How Can You Support Us?

We're reaching out to millions and millions of information technology users all around the globe. Technologies should be accessible to everyone. Take control of them in your own hands!

We're addressing the IT community. Cutting-edge technologies are created by your minds and hands. However, they are owned and guided by others. It would be truly disheartening if the fruits of your efforts were ever turned against you or your children. Only by uniting with the rest of society can we ensure that this never happens.

We're addressing IT entrepreneurs. If we allow the monopolization of the IT market, eventually 90% of businesses in it will simply vanish. That's why, if you're not the owner of a large corporation, you should be particularly interested in supporting projects aimed at fighting technology monopolies and ensuring fair competition.

We're addressing everyone. Join our movement! Support our projects!

There are various ways you can participate in the Movement.

Tell your friends and acquaintances about us. Share information about our ideas on your platforms or within communities you belong to. Strive to attract the attention of public opinion leaders to the Movement. Translate information about it into other languages.

If you possess the necessary skills and want to personally contribute to the realization of truly revolutionary projects, join our team. Share your knowledge, experience, and ideas with us.

Support us and our projects financially. Let's show everyone that together we are a force capable of accumulating significant resources to tackle important challenges.

Lay your foundation stone in the Movement right now, so that together we can make our lives more free and just!

Support Our Movement Financially

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